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Cy's Leaf Green Nuzlocke Adventure!
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RE: Cy's Leaf Green Nuzlocke Adventure!
Alright, time to get things moving again :)

Spoiler for Chapter 18: Preparing for Saffron City:
[Image: lg00752.png]

There's a lot of new areas I can explore thanks to Surf, so let's see if I can find anything good here...

[Image: lg00753.png]

Meh.  These things show up everywhere.

[Image: lg00754.png]

This is what happens when you're trying to watch TV and Nuzlocke.  You make a stupid mistake and accidentally hit "Run".  But like I said, they're everywhere.

However, an idea dawned on me right after this.  Since this is Leaf Green, there's a version exclusive Pokemon that would be an excellent addition to the team....

[Image: lg00755.png]

...and I think I can find it here....

[Image: lg00756.png]

And there it is!

[Image: lg00757.png]

And now it's mine!!

[Image: lg00758.png]

Kasumi the Staryu was caught!

[Image: lg00759.png]

AND it's got Natural Cure!!  It must join the team!

Now, I know what you're thinking: "But you've already got Sydney the Poliwrath!  You don't need another Water-type!"

Well, you're right, I don't need another Water-type.  So Sydney got boxed. (If only I had thought about catching Staryu earlier, I could have saved that Psychic TM....but everything happens for a reason, right??)

[Image: lg00760.png]

Now that Sydney's boxed, I'll need a new Surfer.

[Image: lg00761.png]

Staryu's only useful level-up move is Recover, and it already has that.  So I evolved it.

[Image: lg00762.png]

I also had a LOT of money built up, so I bought a LOT of Game Corner coins to teach Kasumi Ice Beam (While I'm not thrilled with the idea of funding Team Rocket, I know that I'll be able to use this against them should they dare show their faces around me)

[Image: lg00763.png]

Meh, why not?  Of course she went right back to the box.

[Image: lg00764.png]

Turns out I have data for over 40 species in Oak's useless Pokedex, so one of his 'assistants' gave me an Amulet Coin.  I really can't argue with something that makes me more money!

[Image: lg00765.png]

And after some more battling, I had enough to purchase a Thunderbolt TM from the Game Corner.  GLaDOS already has Spark, which will do for now, so Kasumi gets this one (don't worry, I plan on getting another one for GLaDOS eventually...)

[Image: lg00766.png]

After stopping by my house for a bit, I decided to check out this odd patch of grass right outside Pallet Town...

[Image: lg00767.png]

Honestly, I would have been shocked if anything else showed up here.  And it was captured.

[Image: lg00768.png]

Oliver the Tangela was caught!

[Image: lg00769.png]

I heard there's a Gym here, but someone locked the door.  Oh well, I'm just here to catch stuff right now....

[Image: lg00770.png]

Wow, this place is trashed...wonder what happened here??

[Image: lg00771.png]

Meh, I'll worry about what happened here later, right now I've got other business to attend to.

[Image: lg00772.png]

Business that includes catching new stuff.

[Image: lg00773.png]

Arianna the Grimer was caught!

[Image: lg00774.png]

I heard a rumor that the Museum in Pewter had a special fossil....

[Image: lg00775.png]

...and apparently it belongs to me now!

[Image: lg00776.png]

You talk funny.

[Image: lg00777.png]

Well, I can only revive one, and since the one in the Old Amber would be more useful...

[Image: lg00778.png]

...I think I'll choose the Aerodactyl from the Old Amber.

[Image: lg00779.png]

You ARE weird.

[Image: lg00780.png]

What, you mean I don't get to watch???

A few minutes later....

[Image: lg00781.png]

....and now I have my own living fossil!

[Image: lg00782.png]

Gabriel the Aerodactyl joined the team!

And thus Logan the Fearow was boxed.

[Image: lg00783.png]

And since Logan's boxed, Gabriel gets to Fly me around now.

However, Gabriel's only Lv.5, so training him won't be easy without the Exp.Share.  And though I know where to get it, Oak's aide won't let me have it until I have data on 50 species.  Perhaps I underestimated the old man.....

Anyways, it appears I only need 6 more species to get 50, so time for some quick evolutions....

[Image: lg00784.png][Image: lg00785.png]
[Image: lg00786.png][Image: lg00787.png]
[Image: lg00788.png][Image: lg00789.png]

That should be enough!

However, I do have a bit of bad news to report...

[Image: lg00790.png]

During this time of mass evolution, Xavier the Abra was caught by Pursuit during a bait-and-switch and perished.

My reaction....."Meh"

R.I.P. Xavier the Abra Lv.10-14

[Image: lg00791.png]

Yes, I have.  Now hand it over!

[Image: lg00792.png]

I already knew that, moron.  Why did Oak hire you anyways??

Anyways, Gabriel's gonna need a lot of training, so this chapter ends here.
10/08/2011 09:37 PM
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RE: Cy's Leaf Green Nuzlocke Adventure! - Cyonix - 10/08/2011 09:37 PM

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