forced consensual sex
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Super Nintendo Lunar-chan?
As the first 12 year old girl running for Superintendent!
If selected for Supahnintendo for our school I promise to make your lives as miserable as possible by making everyone here my sex slaves :>
Day in and day out nothing but severely painful sex for the rest of your days so how about it huh? =D
I also want Slave-chan and Sensei to be my secretaries to keep my dirty secrets organized and to make sure noone finds out that I'm a which I'm most certaintly not just look at my avy. INSTANT GRRRL
Now votes~ then I can turn it into the principal and maybe my cuteness will just be enough to let me in the office.
Super Idol(Soon to be Super Nintendo) Lunar-chan♥
26/07/2011 01:33 AM |