The Trolluh
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RE: Game Categories Lite 1.1 (Multi MS for 6.xx)
(02/07/2011 05:38 AM)zerOie-Pi Wrote: (02/07/2011 04:34 AM)Xlasher Wrote: (02/07/2011 04:25 AM)Grey Ghost Wrote: (02/07/2011 04:23 AM)Xlasher Wrote: Ummm, where will I put the line "mso:/seplugins/category_lite.prx 1"?
Bro, http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...?tid=27582
So, it's either in vsh.txt or game.txt.
I still don't know. Cause when I placed it in the vsh.txt and made a folder named CAT_Homebrew in /PSP/GAME/ and placed my homebrews there, when I reset my VSH, I just get a corrupted file.
No! just put the line "mso:/seplugins/category_lite.prx 1" inside the vsh without " and make sure the plugin is inside the seplugins and make sure that the name of the plugin is category_lite.prx
If you enabled the plugin the MS will rename to uncategorized
to hide it make a .txt file inside the seplugins folder and rename it to hide_uncategorized.txt
to make categories inside the X:/PSP/GAME make a new folder and rename it to "CAT_whatever name you like" and put all of your games(Eboots,PSX,Homebrews)
and Do it the same in X:/ISO
I did what you said but it still keeps showing corrupted data. :(
Do I need to disable some plugins to make it work or something?
02/07/2011 06:19 AM |