No1sy B0y
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RE: [Photoshop Project] Love At First Sight
(16/06/2011 06:34 PM)ProperBritish Wrote: Make it so she isn't squished ^^"
Hold shift while you resize her at the corners.
and when making new sizes and shapes don't just resize otherwise you'll lose aspect and squish her even more.
the colours on the background are too bright. Work with a non-vivid colour, and save the vivid ones for highlights.
Use different size brushes also, and if im not mistaken you duplicated the art in the bottom left and pasted it in the top right, then rotated it.
You're comin on though, there are somethings that improve over your previous, no pixelation is a big one.
Squished???? How?
16/06/2011 06:37 PM |