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[Errors n Stuff] Firefox And Caching
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[Errors n Stuff] Firefox And Caching
Okay... so I know have firefox4 setup on two computer and I am having cache problems all the time on both. Firefox seems to half donkey cache pages all the time resulting in errors and other various problems when I try to navigate on websites or revisit pages. The most common problems I notice are style sheets being completely screwed up and not loading or various errors with anything that tries to use javascript...

for now I have disabled my cache entirely but this does cause a slight increase in load times when browsing. Does anyone else have problems with firefox lately in terms of pages loading funny scripts not working etc? Also if anyone has fixed this problem in the past how did they do it?

28/05/2011 03:54 PM
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[Errors n Stuff] Firefox And Caching - Slushba132 - 28/05/2011 03:54 PM

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