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nisarg_kolhe from have a message to tell Total_Noob
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nisarg_kolhe from have a message to tell Total_Noo
I just thought i should contribute to PSP scene and wrote this message to Total_Noob.Hope he reads it.By the way mods please move it if in wrong category Erk

nisarg_kolhe message to TN -
Quote:I know you won't read but if you can please.

I have not written this message to say you that release 6.38 TN but for the fact why should you release it.Do you remember the same happened with team typhoon they got bashed for 5.03 CHickHEN 'cause it didn't had a iso support.Because of this they didn't released 6.10 HEN which they made but the bashers didn't suffered but users like me who got there psp with fw 6.10 suffered even they did nothing.The bashers were still enjoying 5.03 ChickHEN but the fellow 6.10 users suffered because of them.Then after few months you brought some light of hope for us people with 6.20 TN-HEN because of which a wide audience enjoyed.You kept on improving your HEN and people including me began saying you as "Dark-Alex" of today.You were the one who made the PSP scene alive after it was dead after 5.50.Now you found a vulnerability in latest fw 6.38 and you are saying that you will not release because of some "idoits" were not satisfied with your HEN, but it isn't true if you ask random 6.20 user who waited for your HEN he will do whatever to thank you.My point is that because of 6.20 users who were not satisfied you are making suffer 6.37 and 6.38 users.Some of them even didn't used your 6.20 TN-HEN as because there PSP came with that firmware or whatever.By not releasing 6.38 TN-HEN you are not telling those haters that you don't care of them but you are making 6.37 and 6.38 people suffer.
And besides you not only the dev who is doing this many of them did but I'm giving you a example - see Wololo he had to face many haters (see here - and here but he just ignored them because he knew that many patient and loyal users are waiting for him there and till now he is continuing his work.

I'm a 6.20 user and i didn't wrote all this for myself but i know how it fells when the last ray of hope gets vanished.Sorry if you felt this all was boring but i hope you get my point :)

A loyal TN Fan

Hope he replies and what do you think of this guys?

PSP 3006 Vibrant Blue TA-92 (3g) - 6.39 LME-8/TN-A Xtended/PRO-B8
iPhone 3GS White - OS 4.3.3
iPhone 4 Black - OS 4.3.3
iPhone 4 White - OS 4.3.3
(This post was last modified: 27/04/2011 05:45 AM by SonicTheHedgehog.)
27/04/2011 05:42 AM
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nisarg_kolhe from have a message to tell Total_Noo - SonicTheHedgehog - 27/04/2011 05:42 AM

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