Paradigmatic Entity
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RE: [POLL] What firmware are you? *Updated* Added Downloads
I have yet to try this "Inferno Driver", but As far as I know it's only to improve compatibility.
Oooh, "unlimited characters in OSK" you say ? And how is that useful exactly ?
I'm curious, how often do you manage your plugins to actually need a different method instead of just using Notepad whenever you want to try a new plugin ? Probably once or twice, maybe if a plugin goes haywire or something (which has never happened to me since I tend to stay away from alpha, beta releases).
Oh, and HEN *does* mess with the flash, it installs to flash0. And when you "cold-boot" it from the memory stick it simply activates the modified components instead of ofw components.
24/04/2011 01:27 PM |