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RE: 3.51 system_plugin_fg.rco and sysconf_plugin.rco
ibawanzingee Wrote:As far as I know, resursslunkski or whatever it is doesn't appear to compress rcos. (Only seems to deflate) Sure, it deflates them, but once I compressed it again and tried to drop it in RCOedit as a test, it said I had a deflated 2.60 topmenu and asked me to convert. Aside from that, if you deflate and then customize, you won't have to recompress anyway. 3.40 OE M33 both read the deflated topmenus.
1. It does compress them
2. RCO editor can't handle compressed RCOs
3. Recompression is for saving space. Some RCOs can get very large
4. All firmwares can handle decompressed/recompressed RCOs and decrypted/encrypted PRXs.
19/07/2007 06:21 PM |