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Post: #5
Installing a Custom Boot Animation
[Image: AndroidMinimal1.gif]

This is a really cool way to customize your phone by replacing the stock animation with an even cooler one.

Now then, if you're a PSP theme designer, the method of designing one is very similar to making a wave. Using ADB, the terminal emulator, or a root file explorer, you'll find a file named in /data/local. Inside it are two folders containing JPGs or PNGs (depending on the phone). These images are used for the animation. The file "desc.txt" contains dimension information. If you want to create your own, I imagine the easiest way would be to make an animation then export the frames as JPGs or PNGs.

-Installing an animation

Note: Make a nandroid backup before doing this just in case you screw it up.

This is a bit simpler than making your own. Just place the ZIP containing the folders part0 and part1 and desc.txt to the root of your SD.

- Install the android SDK
- Open Command Prompt
- Locate the SDK tools folder where ADB is located (example: <cd c:\android-sdk-windows\tools>)
- Now enter the following code in Command Prompt

    adb remount
    adb push c:\temp\ /data/local/
    adb reboot

Quote:Terminal Emulator
- Connect your phone to your computer via USB
- Copy the downloaded file to your sdcard
- Disconnect phone from computer
- Open Terminal Emulator on your phone and enter the code below (press enter after every line)

    cp /sdcard/ /data/local/

Quote:Root Explorer
- Connect your phone to your computer via USB
- Rename the downloaded file to '' and copy to your sdcard
- Disconnect phone from computer
- Open 'Root Explorer'
- Copy/Paste the /sdcard/ to /data/local/ (make sure it's read/write)
- Reboot

This thread over at XDA has some great animations for beginners.

[Image: ROVBdMh.png]
3DS Friend Code: 5000-6045-4964
(This post was last modified: 19/02/2011 10:13 PM by Joom.)
19/02/2011 08:41 PM
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Messages In This Thread
Installing a Custom Boot Animation - Joom - 19/02/2011 08:41 PM
Rooting Your Device - Joom - 20/02/2011, 02:02 AM
APK Edit - Joom - 20/02/2011, 03:04 AM

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