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Android 2.3.2 (Gingerbread) Ported to Motorola Phones
![[Image: android_icon.png]](
Quote:I would like to present to you a clean stock Gingerbread (Android 2.3.2) ROM. Although this build is stock, I spent many hours modifying it to my liking. First off let me start by saying compiling Gingerbread for the Droid is a pain, goodluck to those who are attempting this process. On that note, I would like to say thank you to actngrezy for answering my questions about Gingerbread specific compiling. Secondly, but no less important, I would like to say thank you to the CyanogenMod community, specifically the maintainers for the Droid, cvpcs, mtwebster, and koush. Without the efforts of this community wee (Droid users) would not have a stable, fully functional Gingerbread build.
So how is this build different from other Gingerbread ROMs?
For starters, this build was made using the master branch of the AOSP only two days ago, meaning it not only brings you to version 2.3.2 but it also has the latest bug fixes included. Once you flash this ROM you will immediately see how much time I spent making this build exactly how Motorola would have provided it to you (if they still supported our "old" device). This ROM has the stock signature Droid boot animation, ringtones, wallpaper set, 2D Launcher, and Neural Network live wallpaper. Additionally, I have implemented many of my own bug fixes and others provided by the development community. I also went ahead and enabled the Sound Recorder and Camcorder shortcuts because I find them useful.
Since Motorola will never "officially" provide the Droid with a Gingerbread build, wee will never have accurate build numbers (e.g. FRG83) to go by. Because of this I have decided to create my own build numbers and always maintain an updated stock build for the Droid here on my website in the Downloads section. Upon installing this ROM, you will notice a build number of GPA10. The first letter stands for Gingerbread, second letter Peter, third letter Alfonso, and a number that will increase as I release future updated builds.
This ROM is to be treated as if it were an update straight from Motorola. For those learning to develop or those who base their ROMs off of stock builds you may use this ROM, modify it, and distribute it as your own. I do ask that you provide a link to my website wherever you distribute it. Also, please do not reupload this ROM elsewhere if you have not modified it in any way. I would like to keep track of the download count.
If you have not read about the amazing features that Gingerbread brings, I encourage you to visit to learn more. Also, don't forget that the new is now live and works well with this ROM. While you're there you may notice that Android 2.3.3 is on its way, when it comes I will bring it to you. Be sure to give Google a "thank you" by setting you and you're friends home page to!
I did not include ANY market apps in this ROM other than Car Home (because I included an updated version not available in the Market yet) and Quick Search Box (if you do not include this app, the search key will not work properly). Having said that, after the installation I recommend downloading YouTube, Gmail, Street View, Voice Search, Maps, and Flash Player. For those of you wanting a boost of performance without the need of a CPU scaling application, download and install which will bring this ROM to 800mhz. If you decide to flash an alternate kernel, it will automatically overclock itself to the highest available slot.
Ok, I am done rambling...follow me on Twitter and enjoy!
GPA10 (66MB):
Download Link
1 Ghz kernel:
-Installation Instructions
Boot into recovery and perform a data wipe and cache wipe. Install the .ZIP and then flash the kernel (optional).
Not sure if this works on any other devices but I haven't had any problems with my Droid so far. Installed nice and clean and with the 1 GHz kernel, my phone is amazing.
3DS Friend Code: 5000-6045-4964
(This post was last modified: 13/02/2011 07:01 PM by Joom.)
13/02/2011 01:01 AM |