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System_bg_fg.rco problem
images shows up very small
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Able One

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System_bg_fg.rco problem
Okay hopefully someone can help me on this as it is XML related and involves rcomage which not a lot of people know about other than here, so, my problem is that I'm trying to change the system_bg_fg.rco or the battery icon to this
[Image: tex_battery.png]
Everytime I dump and change it from the default .gim file from the decrypted system_plugin_fg.rco zip file that I downloaded off this site everything goes fine in rcomage and it compiles successfully but whenever I put the file in a ctf and create the ctf with ctf tool gui 4.2 i turn my psp on and the entire image is squeezed into like this tiny little corner on the top right corner of my psp like so...
[Image: PCT2000-1.jpg]
And so, I'd like to know how to stretch the image out so it goes completely across the 480px width of the psp screen so I can actually see it (I know it has something to do with the XML file or atleast I believe it to)
Please Help, it will be much appreciated as you can see I'm working on a new theme and won't be able to release it until I'm done with this step and a few others.

All glory comes from daring to begin.
12/02/2011 09:47 PM
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Messages In This Thread
System_bg_fg.rco problem - slyboogy27 - 12/02/2011 09:47 PM
RE: System_bg_fg.rco problem - Cirehpsa - 12/02/2011, 10:23 PM
RE: System_bg_fg.rco problem - gsmoke - 13/02/2011, 12:27 PM
RE: System_bg_fg.rco problem - holiconx^^ - 15/02/2011, 02:24 AM

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