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Liquidzigong releases signed 6.35 PRO HEN
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The Gland

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Post: #15
RE: Liquidzigong releases signed 6.35 PRO HEN
ok so i feel really retarted.... but i don't get this.....

So basicaly NOW on OFFICIAL firmware, wee can run a UPDATER to update to CFW?

NOW, if that is posible, why don't wee just code everything else to work on OFW so wee don't even need to go to CFW?

im sorry for being ignorant, but i have been out of hacking scene for a good minute, and have no new knowledge...


p.s. dous this Updater work on the psp go? and as for the newer HEN(homebrew enabler) is it able to play umd backups?

SiGnAtUrE WoRk In PrOgReSs
(This post was last modified: 18/01/2011 05:06 PM by Cowper.)
18/01/2011 05:04 PM
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RE: Liquidzigong releases signed 6.35 PRO HEN - Cowper - 18/01/2011 05:04 PM

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