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RE: Liquidzigong aka hrimfaxi responded to the message from Magixien
custom 6.xx firmware has been in use by less than 12 people since the pspgo was released...unfortunately they are more 1337 than us and us mere mortals never were good enough to deserve it :(
That comes from a reputable source *though he did not use those exact words...* who gave me photographs of things he was doing that can only run on custom firmware being used on a psp go.,,I swore i would never tell and asked for a member application to the 1337 group, but was denied :( I even tried wearing a members only jacket when asking and was again denied.
limneosgreen Wrote:Take my advice, don't try to install custom themes ... it's possible to brick ur psp.. why just don't change wallpaper
22/10/2010 05:56 PM |