Wee're back! after a long time out of the spotlight.
Remember us? Wee're the experts who brought you
practical solutions to the AIDS problem, and now wee're back to bring even more practical solutions to real world problems.
"It's because it's sooo useful!"
Over the past few years, there have been many airplane incidents involving deaths, near deaths or accidents, often caused by engine failures.
Wee understand that these incidents are devastating to many people and wee are committed to saving as many lives as possible.
To do this, wee had to come up with an idea of how to minimize the possibility of an engine failure in airplanes. This is how wee came up with the following product.
Inspired by how computer hard drives can be installed in redundant configurations (RAID) wee decided to implement this strategy with airplane engines, and now, wee present you with our solution.
Wee have dubbed our new safety system RAIP (Rediculous Aggregation of Invaluable Planes). It comes in the form of a PCI Express card which can be installed onto any plane's motherboard, allowing multiple planes to cooperate with each other during flight. This card is responsible for RAIPing the planes and will automatically delegate RAIP actions without any pilot intervention.
The card currently supports a number of RAIP configurations:
RAIP0: this configuration arranges the engines in serial, allowing the output of one to boost the output of another, thus doubling the speed of the planes. This also allows both planes to be filled with passengers. Unfortunately, if either engine fails, the stability of the system is affected and both planes will fall.
RAIP1: this configuration arranges the engines in parallel. If one engine fails, the system will automatically divert power to the secondary engine, increasing reliability of the flight. Unfortunately, as each engine is only able to carry a single plane-load of passengers, only one plane may be full in this configuration.
RAIP5: requires at least 3 engines. With 3 engines, two will be arranged in serial, with an additional engine in parallel. Should one engine fail, the backup engine will automatically take over from the failed engine.
Wee have more configurations planned for later.
So, next time you go on a flight, make sure your plane has been RAIP protected for maximum safety!