(01/09/2010 05:15 PM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: That's just merely your opinion of things really. Lossy is only as good as the algorithm, and I can certainly say that algorithms are nowhere near perfect and there are probably many examples of them totally failing (JPEG fails quite hard on simple or high detail *clean* CG content for example).
It's more about the people using the it than lossless itself. Having the capability to do lossless is, ofcourse, good. Having the capability to do anything is always good.
But I do not want to download 3MB for people's s
hitty 1080p screencaps, I'm going to stare at for 3 seconds before moving on. I also don't want to download 100+MBs of f
ucking FLAC in every one of my anime episodes. And maybe one day in the future, someone's going to come up with the smart idea of releasing all their poo poo in x264 lossless...
Also, there's a general misconception about JPEG being more horses
hit than it actually is. It's just that some software use really low default settings, and people don't have enough brains to figure that out and/or change it. If you use high settings, you can't really tell the difference most of the time, besides for some special types of content JPEG sucks at.
But PNG is only the least of the "waste of lossless" (also, JPEG does sort of suck, in terms of the technology behind it). Lets not get into WAV/FLAC and god forbid, lossless video.
(01/09/2010 05:15 PM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: Besides, it has applications more than just for viewing. Ever tried Photoshopping a JPEG? Upscaling is also easier when you don't have to worry about all the noise of JPEG. (hq3x low res CG :P)
Yeah, that's for internal stuff. When you're putting stuff on the net, noone really cares.
As for 3x upsizing low res CG, it's going to look like a pile of poo poo even if you have 256bit color. Welcome to the world of aliasing.
(01/09/2010 05:15 PM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: And people pay for perfection.
You mean people are making you pay for their perfection which you don't give a rats donkey about?
(01/09/2010 05:15 PM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: Don't be silly. A format gives capabilities. It's up to the user and application to properly use them.
And people tend to miss-use them.
Like x264 just newly got 10bit encoding. But noone should ever use that, because unless you work at a filming studio, you probably can't get input material higher than 8bit.
(01/09/2010 05:15 PM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: You may have used 32bit, which means an unused alpha channel.
Are your BMPs 24bit?
Don't know, can't check right now, but probably 24bit. But if my input images are in fact 24bit, and PNG "turns" them into 32bit by adding an empty alpha channel, that wouldn't be my fault.