Wii Theme Maker's Guide To Editing the Board.ash File
My friend diddy81 originally posted this guide HERE
diddy81 Wrote:hey guys ive been asked to make a quick tutorial about the wii board.ash file in themes so here is a step by step of replacing the back pic
1) get a theme that has a full backpic (ie transformers - attached)
2) extract the mym to get the board.ash
3) unpack board.ash with u8tool or u8it
4) make a background pic 544x408 save as a .png
5) use gentpl to convert said pic to a tpl named my_backpic_a.tpl
6) replace the my_backpic_a.tpl in the timg folder of your unpack
7) repack board.ash
Cool make sure your mym.ini file sdta's the board.ash like this