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[v 0.3] cxmb-override: themes from ctf or ms0
override flash0/ctf rco/prx/pmf/bmps from memstick
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Paradigmatic Apprentice

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RE: [ALPHA] cxmb-override: themes from ctf or ms0
(12/06/2010 05:06 AM)SkyDX Wrote:  I'm scared... do wee have some mind readers here? That was exactly was I wished for a few days ago!^^ Finally I can skip that annoying .ctf rebuilding and have iPhone Winterboard Style theming on my PSP^^

Thanks matchung and atomicdryad!

Please post if it works (or causes your psp to burst into flames o.o)
12/06/2010 05:08 AM
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RE: [ALPHA] cxmb-override: themes from ctf or ms0 - atomicdryad - 12/06/2010 05:08 AM

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