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Tutoriol Custom optionmenu_base_.bmp for systemplugin.rco
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J'adore le paissons
~The IRISH ex-Mod~

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Post: #10
RE: Tutoriol Custom optionmenu_base_.bmp for systemplugin.rco
no i doubt it... i have a new gameboot 4 it now but the weird thing is that i put "J'adore le paissons PSP" in my opening_plugin wer it says tex_psp_logo and it came out in my gameboot!!
is dat suposed 2 happen i wonder??? :P

[Image: 34f0juc.png]
[Image: 2a8evzq.png]
[Image: 14udjcx.png]
[Image: 29zvif7.gif]
[Image: sqk2f6.png]
[Image: 2djuv5j.png]
[Image: 143jqsk.png]
Spoiler for jimi hendrix:
[Image: 5nox36.jpg]
19/06/2007 11:21 AM
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RE: Tutoriol Custom optionmenu_base_.bmp for systemplugin.rco - J'adore le paissons - 19/06/2007 11:21 AM

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