(18/04/2010 04:53 PM)PSPkiller Wrote: Just noticed that little price discrepancy myself. I'd rather not go for an un-branded PSU from all the horror stories I've heard. Arianet stuff is't too bad though from what I've heard. It's not actually going to be my computer so if it does go bang I don't really have much reason to care.
I actually had a PSU blow up on me before, when i upgraded my comp about a year ago. But that was an extremely s
hitty PSU with really no brand (I spent like 5 minutes looking for the brand, can't find it), that I got from my old computer that wee got many years ago... Couldn't handle my quad, popped and died. Now sitting on some 460W Coolermaster CPU that came with the case I bought, works fine.
Branded PSUs of the lower end should still be pretty cheap. Can get a 430W Thermaltake PSU (the basic one, not the fancy/silent/80+/whatever ones) for like $40AUD (~25GBP) here.
No idea about Arianet. Never heard of them, don't think you can get that brand here in Australia.
(18/04/2010 04:53 PM)PSPkiller Wrote: As for upping the CPU and GPU would swapping the current Athlon II for it's equivalent Phenom II make much difference? From what I've heard the Athlon II is based on the Phenom II. Also is a Radeon 4670 much of a step up from a Radeon 4650? It's about £20 more but is it worth the extra money?
I think I heard somewhere that at the same clock, Phenom2 is about 10-20% faster than Athlon2, don't know how accurate that is, so you may want to do some research yourself.
As exactly how much benefit the 4670 is over the 4650, don't really know.