Former Admin ;)
Posts: 3,163.4170 Threads: 295
Joined: 3rd Feb 2007
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RE: New secondary URL for the forums was the most relevant domain in the list, they do offer free stuff butits slow and took 3 days to register *yawn*
Ill PM you the password. it works now.
With stats I mean you get reports and stuff. Like right now all it says is:
This counter can be reset by you on any given day. When reset, it will reset as of this morning, 12:00:01 AM, displaying today's traffic so far and counting from there.
Counting since: 2/24/07 12:00:01 AM PST
Raw Visits: 1
Unique visits: 1
Unique %: 100.00%
25/02/2007 12:13 AM |