Omnipotent Presence
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RE: So.. What all games you got?
Umm ok well:
PS3: I have like 73 games so I won't list them unless you want me to.. but two of the three PS3's I have are broken. and one isn't able to be used by ME so.. lol I hate YLOD so bad.. third time -_-
PSP: I have like 45GB's of psp games.. but bought games... none.. I get all my games from HAKO =D
PS2:again too many to count..
PC:Well I bought halo 1 for it.. my computer crashed and I lost the disk so I got it from the internet for free again.. lol
Fruityloops studio 8 XXL edition.. I also got that fo free and I kinda consider it a game because its fun to play with lol.
I have most of the other systems.. but not WII or XBOX.. they and I don't really want to go look up the games lol
27/03/2010 01:09 PM |