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EDecrypt v1.3.1
(+ the latest compatibility list for encrypted games)
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Paradigmatic Entity

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EDecrypt v1.3.1
EDecrypt v1.3.1

Based on PSARDumper's sources.
Recompiled and optimized by mc707.

How to use
1. Copy EDecrypt folder to ms0:/PSP/GAME
2. Copy encrypted file(s) to ms0:/enc/
3. Execute EDecrypt v1.3.1 on PSP
4. Press X to decrypt file(s) or [] to decrypt and patch file(s) for m33

Version history
- added signatures for new firmware version checks
- unencrypted ELF binaries can be patched too
- added decompression of compressed, but not encrypted files
- improved memory handling, so now PSPs with 64 MB of RAM can decrypt files up to ~25 MB
- little bug and typo fixes ;)

(This post was last modified: 26/02/2010 03:12 AM by DSpider.)
26/02/2010 03:10 AM
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Messages In This Thread
EDecrypt v1.3.1 - DSpider - 26/02/2010 03:10 AM
RE: EDecrypt v1.3.1 - bsanehi - 26/02/2010, 06:33 AM
RE: EDecrypt v1.3.1 - gsmoke - 26/02/2010, 08:00 AM
RE: EDecrypt v1.3.1 - S7* - 26/02/2010, 08:18 AM
RE: EDecrypt v1.3.1 - DSpider - 26/02/2010, 12:34 PM

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