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PSP GO hack = fail, PSP GO's on craigslist for 160$
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PSP GO hack = fail, PSP GO's on craigslist for 160$
So personally, i think i would be in the same boat like these guys; because personally i would solely buy it just because it can be hacked. What's funny is that on craigslist people are DESPERATELY trying to sell their go's to get their money back, because as it is; the psp go sucks as a system entirely at this point (software is a joke).

I guess it's just funny to watch Yay

Speaking of which, there probably isn't a chance that the psp go will be hacked eh? because these psp go's going for 160$ is so tempting to buy Hi; I'm wondering i should just offer to trade my psp for one and wait around till they hack it hopefully.

(This post was last modified: 18/01/2010 05:36 PM by Tetris999.)
18/01/2010 05:35 PM
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PSP GO hack = fail, PSP GO's on craigslist for 160$ - Tetris999 - 18/01/2010 05:35 PM

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