Poll: Who are the "n00bs"?
12yo Kids (kids are dumb. Fact.)
Just plain failures in life types of people
"Im hardcore gangsta" types unfamiliar with the internet
Trolls (pretending to be retards to screw with you)
Genuinely (in a medical sense) retarded people
Not actually dumb, simply bad at English.
FUCK U, I not noob, U GAY meatstick.
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[Poll] n00bs... Kids? Retards? Failures? Trolls?
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Post: #35
RE: [Poll] n00bs... Kids? Retards? Failures? Trolls?
i think there is only one type of n00b on this planet..... non senior  (and above) members of the void Hero

though being on ep itself makes you lesh n00bish than those who aren't

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12/01/2010 03:40 PM
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RE: [Poll] n00bs... Kids? Retards? Failures? Trolls? - andrewcc - 12/01/2010 03:40 PM

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