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Does Cha Cha Know You?
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Worlds End

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Does Cha Cha Know You?
There's a texting based question service (similar to KGB but free) that allows you to text them and ask some stupid question. Most of the time they'll give you a legit answer.

Text them "Who is 'your user name?'" and you'll get an answer if you're popular enough on the Internet. :P

I think it only works in the US but I could be wrong. 242-242

[Image: ROVBdMh.png]
3DS Friend Code: 5000-6045-4964
07/12/2009 01:43 PM
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Messages In This Thread
Does Cha Cha Know You? - Joom - 07/12/2009 01:43 PM
RE: Does Cha Cha Know You? - ZiNgA BuRgA - 07/12/2009, 07:55 PM
RE: Does Cha Cha Know You? - Joom - 07/12/2009, 08:42 PM
RE: Does Cha Cha Know You? - Mickey - 07/12/2009, 10:36 PM
RE: Does Cha Cha Know You? - Syfe - 07/12/2009, 10:38 PM
RE: Does Cha Cha Know You? - roberth - 08/12/2009, 02:20 AM

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