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Boy Murdered Over MMORPG
Quote:The assassination of a 12 yeard old child, occurred this monday, in the neighborhood of Velha Central, close to Blumenau, in Medio Vale, in Santa Catarina. Gabriel Kuhn was found dead and with his legs separared from the body, around noon, in the house of a neighbor. The suspect is a boy of 16 years that lived with the family of Gabriel and with other kids of the street. The crime had been motivated over a dispute while playing a computer game.
The suspect, who gave a statement along with his father and a lawyer of the family, confessed the crime to Rosi Serafim, responsible for this case. During the dispute about the computer game, the teenager strangulated the victim. Seen the 12 yeard old kid dead, decided to hide the body in the attic that was 1.80 meters from the ground. With the help of a stair, he tied the body to a rope to lift it.
- Since it weighed too much, he couldn't lift it up. And was there that he had cut the legs to make the removal easy. He cut both legs with a knife and when he got to the bone, he used a saw - explained the delegate.
Following her, the policte collected evidence to investigate if sexual abuse had taken place. A forecast of the decision will be widespread in the next 15 days.
After giving the statement, the teeanger was taken to IML and then presented to the Public Department of Justice. After hearing the suspect, the substitute promoter of infants and teens, Monica Papst, asked for to take in the boy provisionally. The Justice followed the request.
The 10 year old victim lent some MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) cash from his 12 year old "friend" and refused to pay him back. His "friend" went to his house... sodomized, killed and dilacerated the "debtor." Then he tried to hide the body parts at the attic but failed when his mother came home. It happend in Blumenau, SC, Brazil. The name of the MMORPG game ironically was "Tibia" (the tibia is the larger of the two bones in the leg below the knee as well).
F uck...Kids these days. I'm actually kinda speechless.
Sauce and more photos
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(This post was last modified: 16/07/2010 12:43 AM by Joom.)
23/11/2009 07:43 PM |