Custom Firmware 5.03GEN-B for HEN (PSP-3000) is finally available thanks to PSPGEN. They did not succeed in achieving all our initial objectives but essence is except, it arrives and makes it possible to play with plays 5.55+ and protected.
They finally arrived here at the setting on line of Custom Firmware 5.03GEN-B for HEN (PSP-3000) and they are happy that you are also numerous to want to test it.
Recall of the essential functions:
* COMPATIBLE with the PSP-3000 and PSP-2000 v3 in official firmware 5.03
* Reading of the backups of plays PSP requiring a firmware higher than the 5.03, including the 6.xx
* Reading of the UMD requiring a firmware higher than the 5.03, including the 6.xx
* Reading of the UMD/ISO of plays protected from Custom firmwares.
* Reading of plays PS1
* GEN VSH FINELY available (SELECT touches)
* Recovery in VSH available
* Reading of Homebrews
* etc
Known Bugs
* The demonstration of MGS refuses to launch out
They tested and what goes in the 5.50GEN-D2, did not function in the 5.03GEN-B. Too bad…
* The menu of the Recovery mode “is mixed”
The RECOVERY MODE of the 5.02GEN-A was patché to turn on the PSP-3000. It makes it possible to modify the majority of the usual options but they encounter some problems with this Recovery in VSH and they did not succeed in correcting it. In fact, the menu sees some of its lines not correctly allotted and others which do not function. Note that on a PSP-3000, the recovery is not used for nothing, or almost, since all the useful functions are in the VSH Menu or in small Ultimate VSH of Total_Noob de Total_Noob that they strongly advise you to install.
Here options of the Recovery and their equivalents:
- Togle USB = OK
- Configuration = ok
- Sony Skip: do not go (useless thus not engraves)
- Hide corrupt let us icons = walk not and activates Skip Sony logo
- range folder HB ok
- autorun EBOOT ok
- fake area ok
- vsh finely ok uses
- XMB USB Device ok
- Load device with usb ok
- M33 network update ok Uses
- version TXT ok uses
- hide MAC ok
- Range categories = ok Uses
- Reboot in official firmware > nonfunctional
- Run program At = Finely advanced
- advanced = CPU SPEED
- CPU SPEED = Plugins
- Plugins = registry hack
- Registry hack = suspends device
- Device = reboot in official firmware Suspends
- Reset system = quit
To be ready for the use of our Custom firmware 5.03GEN-B, it is necessary to have:
* A PSP-3000 with a firmware 5.03 official. Beyond 5.03 there is no possible solutions.
* To have ChickHEN R2 installed on your Memory Stick and to know to launch it
The HEN is Homebrew Enabler. It still allows the launching of the homebrews on a PSP in Officiel firmware. That of Davee uses two faults to be able to be used: that of Matiaz and another that it found and which makes it possible to activate Kernel Mode and thus to reach the functions touching with the hardware of console (WiFi, UMD, etc…). It is thanks to him that our Custom firmware 5.03GEN-B can launch out.
How to start again Custom Firmware 5.03GEN-B for HEN if my console rebooté or is extinct?
Custom Firmware 5.03GEN-B for HEN is a truth Custom Firmware but the PSP-3000 (and PSP-2000v3) cannot launch, with lighting, a modified firmware. It is thus necessary to pass by the chickHEN R2 of davee, then to launch the program 5.03GEN-B quick updater to even activate Custom Firmware him. Launching will be immediate and without intervention to make your share after having launched 5.03GEN-B quick updater.
How To reinstall the 5.03GEN if ever you had a doubt:
If the 5.03GEN-B is already installed, the program launches it without proposing an option of installation again (logical and practical). If ever, for a reason or a autren vious want to reinstall it of force, maintain supported the trigger tips_left_small with the starting of the 5.03GEN-B quick updater