Name: My DM levels & game types
Version: 1.5
Compatibility: pc/ps3
Well... I took all of my DM levels & put them in there own category. So when you install this you will find two new category's My DM levels & My TDM levels.
This was done in the most part cause the ps3 DM level previews has a bug. making the game crash & levels just loading forever. After a year trying to find a way around this error, I just said ### it, & made a new category's for my DM levels.
The new prefix for the levels is ODM & there is three new levels for it in the works. :) But you will be happy to know that there are three really cool levels ready to go after you install this ;)
I would like to think
Acecutter69 & euchreplayer23 for there code help
Acecutter69 helped me extend some custom health & armor =) &
euchreplayer23 was a big help getting the preview photos to show & helped fix my codes for the two new category's game types
Oh just a For your information Grudge_Arena should not be played with over 4 players.
Grudge Arena
BloodBath Arena
Torlan jungle
Here is the PS3 download
Here is the pc download
If you want to play the three new levels that are being made, you will need this installed =) & if you find any bugs, feel free to let me know.