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RE: hex editing firmware requirements
vinnydisilvio Wrote:yeah, demos come in eboot, but i thought the security would be the same as ISOs. guess not. makes sense, as they're giving you the demo for free anyway so they don't really care if you spoof the firmware requirement. keep thinking i guess...
in the mean time, here's something interesting i found:
it's written by someone who claims to be part of the GEN team. i don't understand most of it, but from the sound of it on this thread, it sounds like this may be what i was looking for.
of course, without actual proof it could be total bullchocolate. here's hoping it's not...
oh yeah yoshiro has a good reputation in the psp cfw scene (since he's a member of GEN team, he might give a good shot about bypassing firmware check)
29/09/2009 07:03 AM |