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[Released] Pimp My Wii v1.01
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Mr. Shizzy
ɯɹ˙ sɥızzʎ

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[Released] Pimp My Wii v1.01
[Image: 2dahhjk.png]

Here is "Pimp My Wii", an homebrew that will install missing and outdated titles from your Wii console.The program will detect missing or outdated IOS and check that you have the latest version of the Wii System Menu. It also checks if you have the latest Wii Shop Channel.If you don't have the latest versions of those titles, the program will download them, or read them from USB or SD to install them. When using this program, you will have all advantages from 4.1 cumulated from those of 3.2, and this without drawbacks!

The homebrew is displayed automatically in english or french depending of your Wii's language. It is also compatible with NTSC-U, NTSC-J and PAL Wii consoles. (Korean Wii theoricaly compatibles but IOSes specific to this version will not be installed).

Warning: I do not take any responsibility for any damage in your wii because of a improper usage of this software.

Correction of encountered problems

Here is a lit of common problems that you could have on your Wii (even on latest version) and the solutions that "Pimp My Wii" will do:

- Black screen at loading of dvd games: Missing IOS » Install those IOS (patching them)

- The Wii asks for an upgrade when inserting games: Old IOS » Update those IOS (patching them).

- The preloader and other homebrew does not work: The IOS36 has the ES_Identify patched » Install a new IOS 36 and patch the bug.

- No SD menu, no latest functionality: Old version of Wii (system menu, by example 3.2) » Upgrade to 4.1 (but patching everything) for more compatibility, functionality.

- The Wii Shop ask me to update : Old version of Wii Shop (older than v16) » Upgrade the newest version.

!!!!!!Leave the parameters by default if you don't know what you do! A bad choice of "hacks" could leave your system unstable!!!!!!
Questions / Answers

- Does it works without internet ? / I got errors during download, what can i do?

It works without internet, you just need to put necessary wad files to the root of the SD card, or of a USB device in FAT32.

The necessary IOS are those, in their latest versions: 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 21, 22, 28, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 53, 55, 56, 57, 60, 61

And thoses IOSes, within their specific versions : IOS4v65280, IOS10v768, IOS11v10, IOS16v512, IOS20v12, IOS30v2576, IOS50v4889 and IOS254v3.

If your Wii does not have any IOS with trucha bug (if your Wii is 3.4 from origin or more), you will need IOS15 v266 and v257. IOS must be named this way: IOSX-64-vY.wad, where X and Y are respectively the version and revision number.

To update the System Menu, you need the file RVL-WiiSystemmenu-vX.wad, where X is 448 for 4.1J, 449 for 4.1U, 450 for 4.1E and 454 for 4.1K. For Wii Shop, you need RVL-Shopping-v16.wad

- I got the preloader, will it work?

If you are not in 4.1 and if you accept the installation of this system menu, you will need to reinstall the preloader and the specifics hacks to this version.

- I have the preloader and i got "system files are corrupted", what can I do?

If you have the preloader, you must patch "ES_Identify" on the IOS used by this. For Wii 4.x, it's IOS60, else it's IOS 30. Leave the parameters by default if you don't know what you do.

- I have a custom theme, will it stay ?

If you change your Wii version, you will lose all themes and you will need to reinstall a compatible theme with the version of System Menu you have.

- Should I upgrade my console to 4.1 ? I thougt I must stay to 3.2?

If you use this program to put your console to 4.1, you will have exactly the same advantages as a 3.2 Wii, but you will have the improvements of 4.1. You won't have any disadvantages to put your Wii to 4.1.

- Should I install all IOS asked?

It is recommanded to install IOS indicated as "not present" and IOS 30, 34, 36 and 60. You should also leave parameters by default. If you install at least those, you will avoid most of problems.

Version 1.01:

    * There are less IOS tested, only those necessary for games and IOS 249 and 202 are tested (if present).
    * There won't be any reboot on bootmii installed as IOS anymore when testing IOS.
    * It shouldn't do code dump when testing IOS.
    * Adding the installation of other IOS, thoses considerated as "stub" (unusable), but necessary to prevent the asking of update when inserting new games. The homebrew will try to install older revision but usable and patch the revision number to the highest.
    * Corrected a bug that forced to downgrade the IOS 15 if you would not have a Custom IOS (or an IOS that can downgrade a revision).
    * Addition of a "safe mode" (press "minus" in the menu to activate). In this mode, the test of IOS is disabled, you must instead choose an IOS to use for the installation. In this mode, you won't be able to know if your installed IOS have the differents bugs, and the program won't be able to tell you if the IOS you have need to be patched.
    * Little reorganization to the list of titles to install.


[Image: dl_download.png]

PSP 2001 [TA-088v2]: 6.39 ME-9.7
[Image: 4kly6c1.gif]
Sig by Mr_Nick666
24/09/2009 01:29 PM
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[Released] Pimp My Wii v1.01 - Mr. Shizzy - 24/09/2009 01:29 PM
RE: [Released] Pimp My Wii v1.01 - SchmilK - 24/09/2009, 02:47 PM
RE: [Released] Pimp My Wii v1.01 - roberth - 24/09/2009, 02:49 PM
RE: [Released] Pimp My Wii v1.01 - MoseZ - 24/09/2009, 08:23 PM

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