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RE: Apple's Conference Today in 15 minutes time...
Senseito URΩBΩROS Wrote:ProperBritish Wrote:>_>
a quick rundown:
- Genius for app recommendations
- 160GB iPod Classic - no price change
- 64GB ($399) and 32GB ($299) iPod Touches
- OpenGL Support and a CPU updgrade on 32 and 64 GB iPod Touches
- Camera, Speaker, FM Radio, TalkBack on iPod Nano
- Shuffle now comes in a variety of colours
- Nano is now polished, not matte finished
- iTunes 9 lets you move apps round on your homescreen within iTunes
- iTunes now lets you move music between the 5 authoised PCs or Macs you have on your iTunes account
and some stuff im bound to forget.

I must admit they did great with the Nano though. It certainly is a nifty device now.
But for gods sake do wee have to have cameras on absolutely everything??
yes! what if you needed to take an unnecessary picture that no one cares about, and all you had was your cell phone, laptop, pda, digital camera, and keychain! youd wish there was a camera on that ipod then wouldnt you!
09/09/2009 12:46 PM |