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RE: Apple's Conference Today in 15 minutes time...
ProperBritish Wrote:>_>
a quick rundown:
- Genius for app recommendations
- 160GB iPod Classic - no price change
- 64GB ($399) and 32GB ($299) iPod Touches
- OpenGL Support and a CPU updgrade on 32 and 64 GB iPod Touches
- Camera, Speaker, FM Radio, TalkBack on iPod Nano
- Shuffle now comes in a variety of colours
- Nano is now polished, not matte finished
- iTunes 9 lets you move apps round on your homescreen within iTunes
- iTunes now lets you move music between the 5 authoised PCs or Macs you have on your iTunes account
and some stuff im bound to forget.
I must admit they did great with the Nano though. It certainly is a nifty device now.
But for gods sake do wee have to have cameras on absolutely everything??
09/09/2009 11:35 AM |