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RE: Post your favorite anime song
The_316_Wolf Wrote:Assassinator Wrote:At school currently, and school has a download quota
cause of hershey kisses!
but even if there wasn't a download quota, no-one would download hershey kisses.
I mean who the hell in their right state of mind would download hershey kisses from the school?
LOL, that's basically saying "I'm a stupid turd who is so dumb that i want to get eXx1l3d from the school internet for no reason... and/or is so ugly and useless that girls hate me so much that i need hershey kisses so desperately that i can't wait to go home and download it... and/or so poor that i can't afford home internet connection and have to download hershey kisses from school.",
The uni logs ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING u do. And from that contract they make u sign before they let u use the internet, U try to download hershey kisses even once and ur never getting on the uni internet again.
by the way, there was once actually a chick (double you tee eff!?!) sitting next to me who was looking at naked pics at the school library. double you tee eff!!!, LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.
16/05/2007 07:38 PM |