[Released] MusicPRX Mod for CFE 3.50
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[Released] MusicPRX Mod for CFE 3.50
MusicPRX Mod for CFE 3.50
MusicPRX is a custom firmware plugin to play music while browsing on XMB or playing a game. in your playstation portable (PSP) device.
This version is based on MusicPRX 4.01 M33-2 Mod from Euroguy213.
PSPs 2000 with TA088v3 and PSP 300x have limited homebrew capability, in that they depend on a
homebrew enabler ChickHEN created by Davee. This particular homebrew enabler is memory resident,
meaning whenever you fully turn off you PSP or total drain your battery, your system will go back
to the official sony firmware thus leaving you to do the "ChickHEN Dance (load the chickHEN with luck)".
This modded version of music prx adds a battery monitor to help PSP 2000 TA088v3 and PSP 3000 owners.
New configuration options in music_conf.txt:
* ALARM_PERCENTAGE = 20 #battery percentage to trigger the low battery alarm sound
* ALARM_SOUND = ms0:/seplugins/lowbat.mp3 #can customize your alarm sound
* STANDBY_PERCENTAGE = 10 #battery percentage to put the system in standby mode.
Set to 10 to put the PSP in standby mode when the battery has 10% power left.
Set to zero to disable system standby mode.
Copy contents of bin folder (bin/*) to ms0:/seplugins/. If you already have the vsh.txt and game.txt,
do not overwrite them. Instead copy and paste "ms0:/seplugins/music_mod.prx 1" to your own vsh and game config files.
* Euroguy123 (MusicPRX 4.01 M33-2 Mod)
* Cpasjuste (MusicPRX 3.90+ M33)
* Tabula (MusicPRX 3.71 M33)
* joek2100 (MusicPRX 0.55-)
* Davee (ChickHEN)
* Xenogears/Becus25 (CFW Enabler)
* junkfactory (MusicPRX Mod for CFWE 3.50)
MusicPRX Mod for CFE 3.50
29/06/2009 07:03 PM |
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[Released] MusicPRX Mod for CFE 3.50 - silver_surfer - 29/06/2009 07:03 PM
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