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ChickHEN Homebrew Enabler (Latest version: R2)
updated on 5/7
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Post: #37
RE: ChickHEN Homebrew Enabler (Latest version: R2)
After trying and failing for a while on 5.02 (I heard people confirm it works on 5.02)...

I went and upgraded to 5.03, reformatted my memstick, restored default system settings, and put ChickHEN in clean with nothing else.

And it worked on the 2nd try.

Now the question. Does Hellcat's Recovery Flasher work on it?
(This post was last modified: 07/05/2009 02:28 AM by Assassinator.)
07/05/2009 02:26 AM
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RE: ChickHEN Homebrew Enabler (Latest version: R2) - Assassinator - 07/05/2009 02:26 AM
Thread Revived!!! - Necro-Bot - 02/09/2009, 01:29 PM

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