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ChickHEN Homebrew Enabler (Latest version: R2)
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RE: ChickHEN Homebrew Enabler (Latest version: R2)
krystabegnalie Wrote:
WickedNite Wrote:it doesn't work on my psp :(

try it a couple of times, maybe it will work

yeah i know tiff exploit was blocked in 5.50 firmware, but yeah still to confirm if it work in 5.03+ firmware up

I've tried it almost 50 times but still doesn't execute. it only crash and doesn't reboot.

[Image: v44ivc.jpg]
06/05/2009 10:43 PM
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RE: ChickHEN Homebrew Enabler (Latest version: R2) - WickedNite - 06/05/2009 10:43 PM
Thread Revived!!! - Necro-Bot - 02/09/2009, 01:29 PM

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