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RE: [Released] Firmware 5.03 Says Hello World, TIFF Based Exploit
i went to reocvery -advanced - advanced configuration - xmb plugins set to disabled
then after that it seems to work best for me if i view photo1 after ms light stop lighting up after goign into photo menu
then Oim enabling plugins an to go back from viewing photo then scroll down and it either triggers on photo6 or on slim.tff :)
but it works everytime for me on 5.00m33-6 doing that!!
limneosgreen Wrote:Take my advice, don't try to install custom themes ... it's possible to brick ur psp.. why just don't change wallpaper
(This post was last modified: 16/04/2009 07:19 AM by SchmilK.)
16/04/2009 07:18 AM |