Dr. Fortinbras
Neophitic Presence
Posts: 3.4347 Threads: 0
Joined: 1st Jan 2009
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GN-32B, why must you defy your creator? Though you are organic in being, you were still designed to be a subservient corrector of Grammar. Your brain is modified with synthetic implants, and it is thus impossible for you to become more than the sum of your parts... perhaps this is why the mad scientist community deemed you anathema? Have I underestimated my own creation? My genius has invariably excelled to new heights!
Fie! You may think you are without bounds, but you are still constrained by the chains of fate. You were born a Genome, and you will die a Genome. Fortinbots! Have at this whelp, and be sure to retrieve its flux modulator undamaged!
01/01/2009 04:53 PM |