ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:It's lossless.
... I know it's lossless. And I didn't mean anything negative from that previous post, I'm sure you know enough not to encode some lossy thing into lossless and hope for quality increases. It's about before you, rather than you.
I mean the source that the original encoder used, was that some good enough source to warrant lossless? Actually, considering it's some music track, most likely it is. Probably encoded directly from CD or something. So don't mind me, the post was kinda stupid.
It's just that I recently got into an argument with some anime encoder on this subject. He thinks encoding his thing lossless is pro when he got some random raw from somewhere, not .*ts direct cap, like a .mp4 raw already encoded and made lossy by someone else. So pretty much original » lossy » lossless = fail.
I was like "it's pointless to encode something that already is lossy into lossless". He's like "encoding it into lossy again just looses you even more quality, but lossless will at least keep what quality you have"... ... Well, if he doesn't want to loose any quality, then why doesn't he just directly copy the stream and skip all that encoding all together? Sure will save him space.