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Fallout 3 its out now, what do you think?
hate it or love it, or considering buying it lol
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RE: Fallout 3 its out now, what do you think?
you sound like my wife complaining about the game cause she didnt pay attention to the tutorial...

she was a die hard oblivion player and i stared the game up and played for about 30 minutes then she kept tellingme what buttons to press and finally took the controller away and played for hours after i fell asleep.

Then saturday she got up early all excited to play and about 2 hours after that she comes storming into my computer room saying fudge this game fudge the guns, fudge the ants, fudge it all, i never want to play this fudgeing game....

she was FURIOUS....and couldnt kill the fire ants...

The key to killing ANYTHING in this game is using the VAT system...where you press the right bumper button and then you can target individuals and body parts...aim at the head or something adn use you AP points and you get a kick donkey little cut scene of you killing the enemies!  you can use knifes, baseball bats, guns, anything....she went through 200+ bullets to kill 5 fire ants just shooting from the corsshair on the screen...then i showed her the VAT system and she made it through those guys in one - three bullets each!!  Then she started over because she wanted to do better LOL...

It is a very sweet game..just a bit of new things to get used to.

limneosgreen Wrote:Take my advice, don't try to install custom themes ... it's possible to brick ur psp.. why just don't change wallpaper
03/11/2008 02:10 PM
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RE: Fallout 3 its out now, what do you think? - SchmilK - 03/11/2008 02:10 PM
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