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Utopia Sources Released
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Mc Cabe
Storm Trooper

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Utopia Sources Released
Mathieulh Wrote:My bad everyone I have been pretty busy lately due to personal issues. I haven't been able to setup the svn because I always lacked the time to do it :/

I am posting the current sources here on the forums and if someone or even the staff could take care of setting up a svn or such a similar solution it would be great.

Again sorry for the wait :/

Thanks to Silverspring who coded most of these sources.


P.S. These sources are to be BSD licensed so make sure you respect it !


Attached File(s)
.rar  utopiasources10172008.rar (Size: 166.34 KB / Downloads: 279)

(This post was last modified: 17/10/2008 12:18 PM by Mc Cabe.)
17/10/2008 12:17 PM
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Messages In This Thread
Utopia Sources Released - Mc Cabe - 17/10/2008 12:17 PM
RE: Utopia Sources Released - Jomann - 17/10/2008, 02:37 PM
RE: Utopia Sources Released - S7* - 17/10/2008, 02:52 PM
RE: Utopia Sources Released - Jomann - 17/10/2008, 03:14 PM
RE: Utopia Sources Released - S7* - 17/10/2008, 03:43 PM
RE: Utopia Sources Released - ZiNgA BuRgA - 17/10/2008, 06:32 PM
RE: Utopia Sources Released - matchung - 17/10/2008, 08:11 PM
RE: Utopia Sources Released - Mr. Shizzy - 19/10/2008, 08:20 AM

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