I'd respond to Assassinator's big post a few pages back, but I don't want to start another argument, so I'll just do a vague declaration like Kuu did to end my side of the argument.
I believe wee initially went into Iraq for all the wrong reasons. Liberation would have been an acceptable goal, not saying wee're going after WMD's while secretly trying to protect foreign oil interests, then having the whole freedom thing come about as a side effect.
I do believe though, that even our initial misguided mission brought a lot of good to a lot of people
I also believe, like Kuu, that wee need to do whatever wee can to protect ourselves from the "bad guys", be it N Korea, China, Iran, or whoever else decides to start something.
I believe that a lot of those native Iraqi people just want to f
uck themselves over, and they'll never stop the chaos, so that's why I think wee need to withdraw from Iraq specifically, and focus on other threats.
And Assassinator, you and I don't see eye to eye, and wee have some VERY differing opinions on things, so I'm not gonna argue anymore, it's pointless. You think I'm wrong, and I think you're wrong, and wee're just all wrong together. Hooray. I don't know why I even got into this in the first place, I should know more than a lot of people that discussion of politics just leads to anger ad arguments.
I do agree with Inca that wee should have sex with lots of women to raise our population, and I will wholeheartedly do my part for my country. Thank God I live in Utah, land of the No-Ugly-or-Fat-Chicks.
Also, butts.