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hey (also the ARGUMENT RAAAAAAAAAAAGE thread.)
dont flame me >.<
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Post: #34
RE: hey
metalgear08 Wrote:Actually, to be honest, the US is doing all it can. It's the native people that are making it Fudged up beyond all recognition. Other nations haven't tried cleaning up a country half-filled with suicide bombers essentially plunging the entire place into civil war.

Look at it this way.

Imagine an opposite situation, instead of the US invading Iraq, Iraq invades the US, defeats the US military, kills over 1 million US people, hangs your leader, destroys a crapload of your buildings, creates massive civil unrest in the US, and the rest of the spoon that's been happening...

So if that happened, do you think the US will sit on their asses welcoming their invaders? Do you think they're going to be all happy like it's Christmas and not do anything? Fuck off. If that happened, the US would be way more than "a country half-filled with suicide bombers" and "the native people that are making it Fudged up beyond all recognition".

metalgear08 Wrote:You know they hated us first right? In fact, they basically hate any modern society for being "gluttonous" and the like. Just because you're isolated in Australia doesn't mean that the rest of the world isn't experiencing some shit.

And what are you experiencing? Sitting at home being gluttonous maybe.

Seriously, nothing even happened to you, and you're talking stuff like this. Imagine if you were an Iraqi in Iraq, and the war happened, you'd probably be one of these terrorists.

And you somehow expect them to sit there quietly and accept whatever shit's happening, when you think you are "experiencing shit" in America...

metalgear08 Wrote:I do think that the Iraq situation was justified in the beginning. Saddam Hussein was a horrible human being who wiped an entire race of people out. (Kurdish Massacre) The US, UK, and the associated allies were right to put a stop to that. And mind you, I'm not the type who's GUNG HO WAR FIGHT DEATH KILL about the whole situation, unlike a lot of people that identify with my political party of choice. I think that wee do need to make a clean break from the area, as, imo, there's really no hope for it.

And George Bush was a horrible human being who killed over 1 million Iraqis and <insert large number here> of Afghans. So maybe some country should come and invade and completely fuck over the USA, break your military, hang everyone in the current US parliament, and kill random US people who had nothing to do with it all?

Dude, that's just the typical "GUNG HO WAR FIGHT DEATH KILL" thought.

You think it's justified. Not everyone shares your thought. I know for a fact that at least most of the Iraqis don't. So because you're stronger, you attack someone weaker to forcefully impose your thoughts onto them. Maybe you experienced too much bullying at school?

metalgear08 Wrote:They also ATTACKED US. They flew 2 jet planes into the hub for a lot of the international economy. Wee went after Bin Laden, and he escaped to Pakistan, and probably died already from his kidney disease.

So basically you're saying because A attacked B, B decided to attack C... Great logic.

Bin Laden attacking America is related to Iraq because? In the end, no relationships between Bin Laden and Saddam has ever been found.

Incadude Wrote:Theres two kinds of people in the world, people that take action and people that complain. If wee didnt go to iraq people would have complained that the US didnt care for other countries. Theres no win win solution when you have other pansy countries always criticizing America. If it werent for the US everyone would be speaking German right now. I hate people that complain in their safe home in the suburbs when other humans are dying and suffering everyday.

So what, you feel mighty and strong because you can attack a poor 3rd world country? And wee are "pansy" because wee don't want to attack it. And for your information, Australia and England and probably most of the places wee're from also sent soldiers into Iraq.

Quote from metalgear08 -» "the type who's GUNG HO WAR FIGHT DEATH KILL about the whole situation"

What the hell does Germans and whatever have to do with this? If America was correct to fight against Hitler, does that naturally mean they are always right in everything else they do? And even if America did absolutely nothing, Germany probably would've still lost WWII.

metalgear08 Wrote:And how is freeing a country from a ruthless dictator "pushing other people around" and "attacking random countries"? Do you think that the invasion of Europe in WWII to eliminate Hitler was "pushing other people around" and "attacking random countries"?

Now Iraq is somehow better than before? No. Iraq is way more screwed up than it has ever been.

For gods sake people, stop bringing up WWII and Hitler. That is the past. Wee're talking about the present. If you want to talk about the past, why don't you bring up the Romans. They did much more fucked up shit than Hitler. And doing something correct in the past does not justify doing something wrong in the present. Surely, every rapist/murderer/thief/whatever must have done some good stuff in the past before.

Slushba132 Wrote:That isn't the way to just let evil people do evil.
To just sit there and do nothing while people are getting hurt.

I am very proud that I live in a country where wee will defend the underdog.
And the fact that wee remember when wee an underdog and are willing to help them out.

It's only your opinion that "freeing a country from a ruthless dictator", "let evil people do evil" or whatever.

from before:
Quote:Not everyone shares your thought. I know for a fact that at least most of the Iraqis don't. So because you're stronger, you attack someone weaker to forcefully impose your thoughts onto them. Hey, didn't Hitler do that too?
(This post was last modified: 11/09/2008 10:59 PM by Assassinator.)
11/09/2008 10:40 PM
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RE: hey - Kuu - 11/09/2008, 10:54 PM
RE: hey - Chroma - 11/09/2008, 11:14 PM
RE: hey - Assassinator - 12/09/2008, 12:47 AM

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