games like a grrl
Neko ninja grrl
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RE: Who wants a "Lucky Star" PSP theme!?
Vegetano1 Wrote:Games like a Grrl Wrote:* Games like a Grrl waits for Haruhi theme
I'd still like to see if someone would be able to modify Veg's Sonic theme to make a Haruhi/Lucky Star/Rozen Maiden theme or sumthin' like that.
The whole point of this theme is,. that people can easily transform it into any theme they desire/want it to be,. ;p just by making a 01-12.bmp (wich is very easy),. adding a infobar and a opening logo,.. maybe a gameboot,..
when i release this theme i will make tutoriols for each of these thingy's to add,. so you would be able to transform this theme into a Haruhi theme within a day,.

20/07/2008 10:36 PM |