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[Release] Incaor MCE for 4.01 M33
Unofficial conversion. Ctf format only.
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Paradigmatic Entity

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Post: #1
[Release] Incaor MCE for 4.01 M33
[Image: mb1l4o.jpg]
[Image: 20kr5fa.jpg]
[Image: hwhht2.jpg]
Quote:Conversion brought to you by:

This is the unofficial conversion since wee have not heard any word from skyfox on any new or upcoming themes.

Well this was brought from 3.71 up to 4.01 minor bugs just concerning the music player, but other than that all things went well, maybe someone will be kind enough to make a few icons to make the theme look alot better and complete.

The original creator deserves every bit of the credit because without him there would be nothing for us to convert.

One new thing intergrated into the theme by me was the full screen infobar, my first release of something I've been showing you all for three or more months.
Inacor MCE 4.01 M33 Ctf
05/07/2008 11:52 AM
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[Release] Incaor MCE for 4.01 M33 - Kratosjohn - 05/07/2008 11:52 AM

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