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RE: need help on "tuning" 3.40 compiled RCOs
Thanks for the quick replies!
to ExBu: thanks mate for your time. my topmenu is 115kb, i can post it if needed.
to Zinga: thanks a lot, ill look at the offsets in system_plugin.rco. Basically i grabbed all the files posted from Z33 on mc and I've put in them the objects extracted with your RCOedit from the same files of my working 3.40 theme based on clear topmenu. I will compare more closely the file you pointed out.
About the second issue though, do you know if that is probably related to the size of my 01-12.bmp? Or its probably only the icon missing from the customized rco? Thanks again for the suggestions.
28/04/2007 02:11 AM |