Hello guys and gals!
I've been lurking this forum since ZiNgA's work on clear topmenu for 3.10.. Terrific! Since then i started modding the PSP without problems.
As i am on 3.40OE now, i decided to give a try to the decrypted rcos posted by z33 on mc, and i had no problems at all using the new version of RCOedit (thanks! :yipi:) extracting and replacing icons and objects.
But here comes my noob question, i have the problems shown in the images below.
First one, the overlaying grey panel that shows when you press triangle over the memory in xmb now its a bit thinner than the text in front of it. I hope that it is something in the rco that modify the width of the panel, because i wouldnt know where to start with .prx, never looked at em :P
The second problem only shows when it first connects to my AP when i use the web browser, and its the icon missing in the top left corner, which now has become a white square.
The language in the pic is italian, as you would probably guess also from the post that english is not my main language ;)
Lots of /bows and /salute to everyone who could help me fixing these issues!