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RE: Is anime for asians?
lol @ thread i wish i was here earlier
I'm mexican and i like anime
in highschool i hardly saw anyone other than asians and white boys that liked anime, its not aimed for racial groups though, there is prolly just more fanbase for anime in those groups than other racial groups, also zinga is right about the asian generalization, the fanbase is bigger at its source, in this case with japanimation, asians :P
mexicans are more interested in getting their 15yr olds pregnant than watching anime so that's prolly why you don't see many mexicans, as is with so many other racial groups, they have other things to worry about more than anime, that doesn't mean there aren't people who'll like it and watch it though,
just be yourself, if you can't accept yourself then no one will, the biggest problem is always resolved at the roots, and you shouldn't feel embarrased about liking anime, also re:zinga's post about hiding it, you don't have any obligation to anyone to be telling them you like anime and then feel embarrased, its none of their business unless you let them know, and even then, what's so embarrasing about it? the people that'll make fun of these things the most are usually the most ignorant of all, in my eyes igonrance is more embarrasing than anything
also about blending into peoples generalizations, you shouldn't work hard for people unless its important, if their your real friends they'll accept you for who you are
(This post was last modified: 27/05/2008 04:12 PM by beaner2k6.)
27/05/2008 04:00 PM |