(* By Sin, I mean Sin.. as in Sin... NOT Bahamut-Sin. Also, I believe that Karma is much more real)
Now I'm not a religious person, neither am I spiritual. I have my own sets of belief which I care to share with only myself. However, this thing keeps popping in (more as a joke).
What is the standard definition of Sin?
Spoiler for Sin:
Sin is a term used mainly in a religious context to describe an act that violates a moral rule, or the state of having committed such a violation. Commonly, the moral code of conduct is decreed by a divine entity (such as God in the Abrahamic religions).
Sin is often used to mean an action that is prohibited or considered wrong; in some religions (notably some sects of Christianity), sin can refer to a state of mind rather than a specific action. Colloquially, any thought, word, or act considered immoral, shameful, harmful, or alienating might be termed "sinful".
Common ideas surrounding sin in various religions include:
* Punishment for sins, from other people, from God either in life or in afterlife, or from the Universe in general.
* The question of whether or not an act must be intentional to be sinful.
* The idea that one's conscience should produce guilt for a conscious act of sin.
* A scheme for determining the seriousness of the sin.
* Repentance from (expressing regret for and determining not to commit) sin, and atonement (repayment) for past deeds.
* The possibility of forgiveness of sins, often through communication with a deity or intermediary; in Christianity often referred to as salvation.
By that, obviously, heinous crimes would end end up being considered the Mega-Sin and above... quite rightly. Personal opinions (about certain things) aside, beating up people, killing needlessly, raping, molesting, thieving, manipulating for any of the above etc will definitley count as sin.
But I heard a priest tell someone, Boozing is sin. Having One-Night stands (or day affairs) is awful, etc etc... Hell they even call Metal music as devils music. (oh yeah!)
so leaving the real sins aside, and agreeing with those who say that Sex, booze, Rock, partying, hacking, spending days on games, checking chicks (and guys for all concerned) out, fantasizing about them, wishing to have more and more gadget or stuff in general, being greedy, selfish about stuff you like... etc.. are major sins and the people who indulge in the above are sinners and are gonna go to hell...
so picturize this version of hell...
Rock... Booze... Sex... Party...
(the real sinners will get their dose of punishments elsewhere... cause wee suffer what wee did right?)
Sounds fun!
(not ridiculing the religious people and not saying that these are comparable to the real sins mentioned... just some fun... c.. m bored!)