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RE: Most hated-Least Favorite ANIME?
Azumanga Daioh - Tends to recycle animations, the humor is very weak especially when compared to their other work, Doki Doki School Hours. Osaka is cute though.
Naruto - Very very generic cast. Naruto is also the worst main character ever.
One Piece - Pretty stupid, only watched three episodes. Cast isn't as generic as Naruto's but the main character is almost as stupid as Naruto.
Shingetsutan Tsukihime - The visual novel is good. The anime is bad. The art design is VASTLY inferior to the visual novel. The storyline strays away from the visual novel but turns into a mess. Taking many different elements from the novel and pasting them together, overall it made the storyline make little sense.
09/04/2008 07:44 PM |